"Every so often you reach a point when your life is like a blank journal, waiting to be filled."

Sebarkan Kalimah Ke Sekalian Alam

Daripada Abdullah bin 'Amr bin al-'Ash radhiallahu 'anhuma bahwasanya Nabi
s.a.w. bersaba:

"Sampaikanlah (kepada orang lain) daripadaku, sekalipun hanya satu ayat .
Berceritalah tentang kaum Bani Israil dan tidak ada halangan ke atasnya. Dan
sesiapa yang berdusta atas diriku dengan sengaja maka ia menempati tempat
duduknya dari neraka."

(Riwayat Bukhari)

Taqwim Qamari

Monday, April 2, 2012

AGENDA - Angkatan Generasi Muda

M'sians are immatured when it comes to politics. One side sings the hymns of revolution, to seek change and willing to fight for it. The other is the side that pours its loyalty to the government and yearns for the utopia its building.
However, we should look from a matured vantage point - a different point of view. An economical one. The Rakyat shud in fact view the economical plans of the manifesto presented. Which side has the most ideal plan to save and harness then improve the M'sian economy? Our choice shud also be based on the principles of a candidate and how he may contribute to our well-being. It's neither suffice to just believe in a leader that has experience on ruling a nation, nor is it to label a leader incapable and incompetent just because he is non-Muslim. We should be able to choose based on faith and values of Islam. The Rakyat needs not a political revolution. In fact, the rakyat needs a mindset revolution. "Revolusi Pemikiran".
In history, the Kaum Tua are the ones who only worked for the afterlife and banned the people from learning english and other so called 'secular' knowledge. The Kaum Muda of the past fought the true Islamic values, where the prophet taught his people to 'plant a seed eventhough the sun is already rising from the west'. Now, the old people are turning to become to secularic. They forget the values of Islam. They practice it no longer and soon will forget the tenents of Islam. As the new generation, the young generation, we must make a change in the people's mindset. We are all Muslims, and we WANT to practice its values and teachings in EVERY aspect of our life. The youth must act as the youth of history did. We must take stand say that enough is enough. It's time for a revolution. A mindset revolution. Revolusi Pemikiran... dengan gerakan baru, sinonim dengan Kaum Muda. AGENDA - Angkatan Generasi Muda... Are you in?


  1. klau undi,undi org islam walaupun lain bulu...yg penting islam...klau ramai islam pilih pemimpin yg terbaik sprt seorng yg adil dn amanah

    1. Kalau orang Islam yang tak menegakkan syiar Allah? Mcm mana itu adil dan amanah sedangkan amanah Allah untuk mentadbirkan bumi Allah dengan syariat Allah?

    2. Tu semua yang ROSAK tuh...haha

