"Every so often you reach a point when your life is like a blank journal, waiting to be filled."

Sebarkan Kalimah Ke Sekalian Alam

Daripada Abdullah bin 'Amr bin al-'Ash radhiallahu 'anhuma bahwasanya Nabi
s.a.w. bersaba:

"Sampaikanlah (kepada orang lain) daripadaku, sekalipun hanya satu ayat .
Berceritalah tentang kaum Bani Israil dan tidak ada halangan ke atasnya. Dan
sesiapa yang berdusta atas diriku dengan sengaja maka ia menempati tempat
duduknya dari neraka."

(Riwayat Bukhari)

Taqwim Qamari

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Explain why is it crucial to learn social studies in the university

   Universities play an important role in the development of human society. Institutions that bear the prestige of an alma mater are responsible in promoting the evolution of knowledge. Places like Al-Azhar and Oxford are examples of many historical universities that had contributed to the upbringing of many scholars. Subjects like history and sociology are important in the advancement of human development. In addition, it is crucial to learn social studies in the university in order to produce graduates who understand humanity better, to help students develop essential thinking skills and to act as inspiration for students. 

   Learning social studies is crucial in producing graduates who understand humanity better. Social studies classes often focus on learning about people in other countries. This is meant to expand students' worlds in order to encompass a national and international community. Social studies also focus on differences and similarities between people, helping students learn to get along within their immediate community. Because social studies focus on human interactions, they teach students how to act compassionately within society. Perhaps the most important lessons social studies teach are understanding and tolerance for people across the world. 

   Furthermore, students can develop essential thinking skills by learning social studies. Its assignments promote reading at the evaluation, synthesis, analysis and interpretation levels. It also stimulates critical thinking skills through writing and analytical thinking. It is in social studies that students learn skills ranging from reading a map to making an argument. Students learn how to assess the validity of evidence, evaluate conflicting points of view and apply facts to making decisions. These are the capabilities which are exclusive to individuals with essential thinking skills. 

   Moreover, social studies education has the power of inspiration. It is in social studies classrooms that students learn that an individual with great convictions or a committed group can change the world. It is also in the mentioned classroom that students learn the words and deeds of people, such as Muhammad and Martin Luther King, Jr. Students take inspiration from them through the historical changes that they have commenced. Facts will prove that might and intelligence are not exclusive to any particular race, but are assets of mankind. 

   In conclusion, the mentioned reasons prove that it is crucial for students to learn social studies in the university. However, what are the methods in order to strengthen the social studies curriculum? Initiatives like international exchange programs and out-of-class sessions may indeed be effective. Definitely, it is up to us to take the benefits from such education.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Apa yang dibuat ketika keluar dijalan Allah?

Mereka menghidupkan amalan Nabi secara menyeluruh yakni Dakwah, Taklim wa Ta’allum, dan Tazkiyyah. Hal ini bersesuaian dengan ayat :

"Ya Tuhan kami, utuslah seorang Rasul ditengah-tengah mereka yang berasal dari diri mereka sendiri (yang tugasnya) membacakan ayat-ayat Engkau (DAKWAH), mengajarkan kepada mereka AL-KITAB dan AL-HIKMAH (Taklim wa Ta’allum) dan Tazkiyyah (Dzikir Ibadah dan Khidmat), Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Gagah dan Maha Bijaksana" 
(Al-Baqarah : 129)

Doa di atas adalah doa Nabi Ibrahim ketika selesai membangun Ka’bah sehingga mereka katakan : Inilah amalan masjid yang diinginkan Ibrahim as.

Mereka membagi waktu khuruj dengan tertib sebagai berikut :

4 Jam untuk Dakwah, yang terdiri dari :

1. Jaulah Umumi 
-yakni jumpa seluruh orang kampung
2. Jaulah Khususi 
-yakni jumpa orang perorang sebagaimana kedudukan orang yang didatangi, misalnya : ulama atau umara.
3. Jaulah Taklimi
-yakni mereka berkeliling untuk ajak orang kampung duduk di majlis taklim fadhilah amal yang mereka buat.
4. Jaulah Tasykili
-yakni mereka datang ke tempat orang yang ada simpati setelah mendengar bayan-bayan (penjelasan) mereka.
5. Jaulah Ushuli, yakni mereka datang kepada orang yang niat keluar bersamaan dengan kepindahan mereka ke kampung lain.

4 Jam mereka gunakan untuk Taklim, yang terdiri dari :

1. Taklim Kitabi
2. Taklim Halaqah Al Quran
3. Taklim Enam Sifat
4. Mudzakarah Adab-Adab Sunah Sehari-hari
5. Taklim Infiradi, yakni membaca buku yang mereka bawa di luar amalan ijtima’i

4 Jam mereka gunakan untuk Dzikir Ibadah, yang terdiri dari :

1. Solat berjamaah
2. Solat-solat sunnah
3. Dzikir Pagi-Petang
4. Solat Tahajud dan Doa Hidayah dimalam hari
5. Tilawah Al Quran
6. Doa-doa masnunah

4 Jam mereka gunakan untuk Khidmat, yang terdiri dari :

1. Khidmat kepada Amir
2. Khidmat kepada Jemaah
3. Khidmat kepada orang kampung
4. Khidmat kepada diri sendiri

Semuanya menyita waktu selama 16 Jam. Sedangkan sisanya digunakan 6 jam untuk tidur dan 2 jam untuk keperluan peribadi yang lain.

Apabila mereka keluar mengikut tertib dengan meyertai amalan ijtima’i secara lengkap, maka dengan izin Allah mereka mendapat Islah setelah pulang. Semoga boleh menjaga solat berjamaah serta muamalah dan mu'asyarahnya dengan lebih baik.

Kegagalan orang keluar di jalan Allah adalah disebabkan mereka tidak mengikut tertib sehingga tak ada Islah dan setelah itu dia menjadi sulit untuk diperbaiki dan menjadi HIJAB bagi manusia lain untuk mendapat hidayah.

3 Perkara yang menyebabkan seorang sukses keluar di jalan Allah :

1. Keluar dengan mentaati Amir
2. Keluar dengan tertib di dalam Ijtimaiyyat
3. Keluar semata karena Allah SWT

Apabila orang keluar dengan 3 hal tersebut maka Allah akan beri kepada mereka 2 perkara :

1. Dicabut sifat binatang dari diri mereka
2. Doa mereka akan dikabulkan sebagaimana doa Nabi-Nabi.

Telah banyak bukti perubahan yang terjadi pada orang yang keluar di jalan Allah. Mereka yang sebelumnya sampah masyarakat dan jauh dari agama, kini mereka menjadi Da'ie. Bukan hanya untuk mengislahkan diri mereka supaya berubah menjadi baik, malah mereka juga fikir bagaimana untuk orang lain boleh menjadi baik. Maka lihatlah oleh kalian, perubahan hidup mereka dari maksiat kepada taat.

A passage from my soon-to-be book: "It Was Just Not Meant To Be"

A passage from my soon-to-be book: "It Was Just Not Meant To Be"

His heart whispered hoping she hears it, 'It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all. Thank you for teaching me how to feel, love AND pain. I will never forget you. You were my best friend. And you were, and still is, the one. But, I learned that you can’t know those types of things. You can only trust what you feel in your heart and take a blind leap of faith. That’s what life's about. You know, we’re not put on this earth to live perfect lives, where we never get hurt or we never make mistakes. We’re put here to hurl ourselves headfirst into this crazy world, and the bruises and scrapes we get along the way; they just mean you're living life.
Her heart tries to whisper back, 'Sometimes we want something so bad, we practically write the script on how it should go, even though we know better. There’s no such thing as the perfect relationship; there are always lumps. But why do the lumps have to be bad? Maybe instead of trying so hard to create the ideal, we should embrace the not so perfect. Because sometimes it’s the imperfections that make the memories you really cherish. Maybe life is like a cross country road trip. You can get so focused on the enormity of the mission ahead, staring straight out of the expansive road as you fail to notice the stuff you're passing by right at that moment. It is not that I am trying to break your heart. But, I just don't want to ruin your iman.

Please, tell me how you think...
