"Every so often you reach a point when your life is like a blank journal, waiting to be filled."

Sebarkan Kalimah Ke Sekalian Alam

Daripada Abdullah bin 'Amr bin al-'Ash radhiallahu 'anhuma bahwasanya Nabi
s.a.w. bersaba:

"Sampaikanlah (kepada orang lain) daripadaku, sekalipun hanya satu ayat .
Berceritalah tentang kaum Bani Israil dan tidak ada halangan ke atasnya. Dan
sesiapa yang berdusta atas diriku dengan sengaja maka ia menempati tempat
duduknya dari neraka."

(Riwayat Bukhari)

Taqwim Qamari

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Master of Ceremony Script : Student's College Committee General Meeting & WELCOME DINNER

Dear guests,
The banquet will begin shortly.
Please be seated
and kindly turn off or set your hand phones to silent mode throughout the night.
Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.
Thank you

Ladies and gentleman,
You are required to stand
upon the arrival of our honoured guests
of the General Meeting & Hostel Welcome Dinner.

Announcing the arrival of

The guest of honour
Mr. Fazli Sharil
Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit

Mdm. Fauzianita Mohd Yusoff
Manager of Student Activities and Sports Unit

Mdm. Noraizah Latip
Hostel Senior Assistant

Mr. Meor Ahmad Termizi Tan
Hostel Assistant

Mohd. Zahedi  Zainudin
Alawiah Ariffin
Fellows of the hostel

Mr. Afizan Bin Azman
Representative from the Student’s College Committee Alumni

Ladies and gentlemen,
Please be seated

Selamat sejahtera and Salam 1 Malaysia.
A very good evening and a warm welcome we bid to our guests of honour, respected fellows and fellow hostel residents to:

To begin the ceremony with the blessings of the Lord
We would like to invite brother Khairil Amir Kamarolzaman to lead the du’a recitation
And a moment of silence

(Bacaan Doa)

Amin-amin ya rabalalamin.
Thank you brother Khairil Amir. May our event tonight runs smoothly and be blessed by the Lord

Ladies and gentlemen,
We cordially invite
The Director of the Event
Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan
To give us his speech

(Ucapan Iqbal)

We thank you Mr Iqbal Qayyum for your warm speech.

Ladies and gentlemen,
To deliver his speech.
Please welcome
The guest of honour
Mr. Fazli Sharil
Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit
to the stage.

(Ucapan Fazli Sharil)

Thank you very much to Mr. Fazli Sharil
for your words of wisdom and encouragement

Student College Committee or SCC is the organization responsible for the welfare of the hostel residents.
For three years the hostel has been closed due to renovations and maintenance purposes.
And for those three long years, SCC had ceased to exist.
But now,
The hostel is back in business
and the SCC is striving to recall its long lost glory in the past.
Undeniably, SCC is the best resort for residents to refer and share their problems, concerns and complaints.
And the SCC has pledged its commitment to serve the needs of the residents.



Ladies and gentlemen,
Please enjoy this montage of the latest events organized by the SCC

My fellow residents,
We would now provide a sneak peak of the upcoming events of the SCC

Ladies and gentlemen,
We cordially invite
The Vice President of SCC
Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan
On behalf of the honourable president
To give us his speech

(Ucapan Iqbal)

We thank you Mr Iqbal Qayyum for your warm speech.

To begin our meal with the blessings of the Lord
We would like to invite brother Khairil Amir Kamarolzaman to lead the du’a recitation
And a moment of silence

(Bacaan Doa)

Amin-amin ya rabalalamin.
Thank you brother Khairil Amir.
May our meal tonight be blessed by the Lord
I believe that everyone is hungry. 
So, let us shift our attention to the delicious meals prepared for us tonight.
I would like to invite our honoured guests to enjoy the mouth-watering meals specially prepared for tonight’s event.
Enjoy the meal.

Will be the lucky draw event that everyone has been excitingly waiting for.
Hopefully, everyone will be lucky tonight.
We will give away a total of 4 prizes to 4 lucky residents.

For that, we would like to invite the Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit, Mr. Fazli Sharil to the stage to pick 2 lucky numbers accompanied by The Vice President of SCC, Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan.
Those with the chosen numbers are required to come on stage to collect their prize.

The 1st lucky number is………….
2nd lucky number goes to …….

Thank you to our beloved Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit, Mr. Fazli Sharil for giving away the prizes.

Ladies and gentlemen,
We would like to invite The Vice President of SCC, Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan to present a souvenir as a token of appreciation to the Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit, Mr. Fazli Sharil.

(Mr Fazli ambil cenderahati)

Thank you Mr. Fazli for accepting our humble invitation to our Welcome Dinner.

To continue,
we would like to invite the Manager of Student Activities and Sports Unit, Mdm. Fauzianita Mohd Yusoff to the stage to pick 2 lucky numbers accompanied by The Vice President of SCC, Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan. Those with the chosen numbers are required to come on stage to collect their prize.

3rd lucky number goes to ……
4th lucky number goes to ……

Thank you to our beloved Manager of Student Activities and Sports Unit Mdm. Fauzianita Mohd Yusoff for giving away the prizes.

As The Saying Goes, “To Every Beginning, There Is An Ending.”
Our General Meeting & Welcome Dinner is coming to an end. 
We like to thank everyone that willingly came to our humble event tonight.
Before that, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the
Student Affairs and Sports Division of Multimedia University
Hostel Senior Assistant & Assistant
Fellows of the hostel
Representative from the Student’s College Committee Alumni
For their presence at tonight’s
And not forgetting the committee who had worked hard for the night to be a success.
 Thank you once again
for making this event a memorable one.
Thank you for coming and have a safe journey home.
Goodnight and Assamualaikum.

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