Let me tell you a story. One day, I was strolling through the village at night - and it was a really dark night. I saw an old man walking with his walking stick in his right hand and an oil lamp in the other. As he walked closer towards me, I could notice that he was blind. I asked him, "Pakcik, if you couldn't see why you would bring a lamp?" The old man replied, "Son, I know that I'm blind. But, I'm not bringing this lamp for myself. I brought it so that others could see."
"Every so often you reach a point when your life is like a blank journal, waiting to be filled."
Sebarkan Kalimah Ke Sekalian Alam
Daripada Abdullah bin 'Amr bin al-'Ash radhiallahu 'anhuma bahwasanya Nabi
s.a.w. bersaba:
"Sampaikanlah (kepada orang lain) daripadaku, sekalipun hanya satu ayat .
Berceritalah tentang kaum Bani Israil dan tidak ada halangan ke atasnya. Dan
sesiapa yang berdusta atas diriku dengan sengaja maka ia menempati tempat
duduknya dari neraka."
(Riwayat Bukhari)
Taqwim Qamari

Friday, March 23, 2012
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