"Every so often you reach a point when your life is like a blank journal, waiting to be filled."

Sebarkan Kalimah Ke Sekalian Alam

Daripada Abdullah bin 'Amr bin al-'Ash radhiallahu 'anhuma bahwasanya Nabi
s.a.w. bersaba:

"Sampaikanlah (kepada orang lain) daripadaku, sekalipun hanya satu ayat .
Berceritalah tentang kaum Bani Israil dan tidak ada halangan ke atasnya. Dan
sesiapa yang berdusta atas diriku dengan sengaja maka ia menempati tempat
duduknya dari neraka."

(Riwayat Bukhari)

Taqwim Qamari

Thursday, June 28, 2012


ALONE By : Edgar Allan Poe

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In its autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view. 

Master of Ceremony Script : Student's College Committee General Meeting & WELCOME DINNER

Dear guests,
The banquet will begin shortly.
Please be seated
and kindly turn off or set your hand phones to silent mode throughout the night.
Your cooperation is deeply appreciated.
Thank you

Ladies and gentleman,
You are required to stand
upon the arrival of our honoured guests
of the General Meeting & Hostel Welcome Dinner.

Announcing the arrival of

The guest of honour
Mr. Fazli Sharil
Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit

Mdm. Fauzianita Mohd Yusoff
Manager of Student Activities and Sports Unit

Mdm. Noraizah Latip
Hostel Senior Assistant

Mr. Meor Ahmad Termizi Tan
Hostel Assistant

Mohd. Zahedi  Zainudin
Alawiah Ariffin
Fellows of the hostel

Mr. Afizan Bin Azman
Representative from the Student’s College Committee Alumni

Ladies and gentlemen,
Please be seated

Selamat sejahtera and Salam 1 Malaysia.
A very good evening and a warm welcome we bid to our guests of honour, respected fellows and fellow hostel residents to:

To begin the ceremony with the blessings of the Lord
We would like to invite brother Khairil Amir Kamarolzaman to lead the du’a recitation
And a moment of silence

(Bacaan Doa)

Amin-amin ya rabalalamin.
Thank you brother Khairil Amir. May our event tonight runs smoothly and be blessed by the Lord

Ladies and gentlemen,
We cordially invite
The Director of the Event
Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan
To give us his speech

(Ucapan Iqbal)

We thank you Mr Iqbal Qayyum for your warm speech.

Ladies and gentlemen,
To deliver his speech.
Please welcome
The guest of honour
Mr. Fazli Sharil
Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit
to the stage.

(Ucapan Fazli Sharil)

Thank you very much to Mr. Fazli Sharil
for your words of wisdom and encouragement

Student College Committee or SCC is the organization responsible for the welfare of the hostel residents.
For three years the hostel has been closed due to renovations and maintenance purposes.
And for those three long years, SCC had ceased to exist.
But now,
The hostel is back in business
and the SCC is striving to recall its long lost glory in the past.
Undeniably, SCC is the best resort for residents to refer and share their problems, concerns and complaints.
And the SCC has pledged its commitment to serve the needs of the residents.



Ladies and gentlemen,
Please enjoy this montage of the latest events organized by the SCC

My fellow residents,
We would now provide a sneak peak of the upcoming events of the SCC

Ladies and gentlemen,
We cordially invite
The Vice President of SCC
Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan
On behalf of the honourable president
To give us his speech

(Ucapan Iqbal)

We thank you Mr Iqbal Qayyum for your warm speech.

To begin our meal with the blessings of the Lord
We would like to invite brother Khairil Amir Kamarolzaman to lead the du’a recitation
And a moment of silence

(Bacaan Doa)

Amin-amin ya rabalalamin.
Thank you brother Khairil Amir.
May our meal tonight be blessed by the Lord
I believe that everyone is hungry. 
So, let us shift our attention to the delicious meals prepared for us tonight.
I would like to invite our honoured guests to enjoy the mouth-watering meals specially prepared for tonight’s event.
Enjoy the meal.

Will be the lucky draw event that everyone has been excitingly waiting for.
Hopefully, everyone will be lucky tonight.
We will give away a total of 4 prizes to 4 lucky residents.

For that, we would like to invite the Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit, Mr. Fazli Sharil to the stage to pick 2 lucky numbers accompanied by The Vice President of SCC, Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan.
Those with the chosen numbers are required to come on stage to collect their prize.

The 1st lucky number is………….
2nd lucky number goes to …….

Thank you to our beloved Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit, Mr. Fazli Sharil for giving away the prizes.

Ladies and gentlemen,
We would like to invite The Vice President of SCC, Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan to present a souvenir as a token of appreciation to the Manager of Accommodation, Services & Welfare Unit, Mr. Fazli Sharil.

(Mr Fazli ambil cenderahati)

Thank you Mr. Fazli for accepting our humble invitation to our Welcome Dinner.

To continue,
we would like to invite the Manager of Student Activities and Sports Unit, Mdm. Fauzianita Mohd Yusoff to the stage to pick 2 lucky numbers accompanied by The Vice President of SCC, Mr. Iqbal Abdul Qayyum Rozlan. Those with the chosen numbers are required to come on stage to collect their prize.

3rd lucky number goes to ……
4th lucky number goes to ……

Thank you to our beloved Manager of Student Activities and Sports Unit Mdm. Fauzianita Mohd Yusoff for giving away the prizes.

As The Saying Goes, “To Every Beginning, There Is An Ending.”
Our General Meeting & Welcome Dinner is coming to an end. 
We like to thank everyone that willingly came to our humble event tonight.
Before that, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the
Student Affairs and Sports Division of Multimedia University
Hostel Senior Assistant & Assistant
Fellows of the hostel
Representative from the Student’s College Committee Alumni
For their presence at tonight’s
And not forgetting the committee who had worked hard for the night to be a success.
 Thank you once again
for making this event a memorable one.
Thank you for coming and have a safe journey home.
Goodnight and Assamualaikum.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tinggalkan taksub

Meninggalkan taasub di sini bermaksud meninggalkan taasub pendapat sendiri, mazhab dan golongan serta tokoh tertentu sahaja tanpa diperhatikan pendapat dan pandangan orang lain. Syeikh Prof. Dr. Yusof al-Qarahawi telah menjelaskan di dalam kitabnya al-Sahwah al-Islamiyyah Baina al-Ikhtilaf al-Masyruk Wa al-Tafarruq al-Mazmum:

Seseorang harus melepaskan dirinya daripada taasub terhadap pendapatnya sendiri. Ini disebabkan orang yang tidak dapat melepaskan diri daripada taasub ini akan sentiasa mempertahankan pendapatnya sendiri walaupun dia mengetahui pendapatnya salah dan lemah penjelasannya. Ia hanyalah ingin memenangkan hawa nafsunya, memandang rendah pendapat orang lain dan takut dituduh kurang kefahaman.

Sebagai seorang umat Islam yang tidak mampu untuk berijtihad maka selayaknyalah kita mengikut mana-mana pandangan dan ijtihad daripada imam-imam mazhab. Mazhab ini sebagai salah satu jalan keluar bagi golongan awam beramal dengan syariat Islam secara lebih berkesan. Namun terdapat segelintir umat Islam terutamanya masyarakat awam yang begitu taasub dengan mazhabnya lantas menyalahkan mazhab lain yang tidak secocok dengan mazhabnya. Ini merupakan satu fanomena tidak sihat yang perlu diberikan perhatian oleh setiap alim ulama setempat.

Terdapat juga segelintir dari kalangan umat Islam yang begitu taasub dengan golongan dan tokoh tertentu lantas bertindak merendah-rendah dan memperlekehkan pandangan dan pendapat lain yang tidak sealiran dengan pendapat golongan dan tokoh mereka. Jika masalah ini tidak ditangani dengan bijaksana dan adab-adab maka sudah pastilah akan berlaku perbalahan dan pergaduhan yang tidak mendatangkan nilai tambah kepada Islam. Mereka mengajak orang lain untuk tidak taasub dengan pandangan tokoh lain, namun di dalam masa yang sama mereka tidak melarang orang lain untuk bertaasub kepada mereka. Jadilah mereka juga seorang taasub!

Berkata Syeikh Prof. Dr. Yusof al-Qaradhawi:

"Anehnya mereka mengecam para pengikut mazhab kerana bertaklid kepada para imamnya sementara mereka sendiri menuntut semua orang agar bertaklid dan mengikut mereka."

(Kitab: al-Sahwah al-Islamiyyah Baina al-Ikhtilaf al-Masyruk Wa al-Tafarruq al-Mazmum).

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I call for a TOTAL BAN on pornography

I believe that pornography should be put to an end!
We can put so much effort in SOPA and ACTA to fight for the 'rights' of multinational companies, making them richer and richer. Why is it so hard for us to save the future generation. 
Undeniably porn destroys the mind, corrupts healthy mentality and goes against every single moral understanding of mankind. 
I'm sad that porn made our children rotten.
Jamie is 13 but he's now on the Sex Offender Register after online porn warped his mind...
Jamie was ten years old when he saw his first pornographic sex scene. During a sleepover, a classmate offered to show him ‘some funny pictures’ on his laptop.‘At first I found it a bit scary and a bit yucky,’ Jamie told me as he shifted uncomfortably on his chair during our therapy session.‘I didn’t know it was possible for people to do those sort of things — and there were lots of nasty close-ups. But it gave me funny feelings and the pictures started to stick in my head.’For the next three years, while his parents assumed he was using his computer for his homework, Jamie visited porn websites for up to two hours a night.Even when his school performance began to suffer, they had no idea of the murky world their shy, quiet son was inhabiting while upstairs in his bedroom.While it’s not his real name, Jamie is typical of the young men I meet. He explained: ‘The websites led me to other websites and soon I was looking at even weirder stuff I could never have imagined — animals, children, stabbing and strangling.‘I stopped leaving my room and seeing my friends because when I was away from the pornography, I was dying to get back to see what else I could find.’And it was only when the police came knocking one morning that Jamie’s secret life was exposed.After identifying that someone in the house was accessing child porn, they took Jamie’s laptop away for examination.  Jamie is only 13 — and he still hasn’t even kissed a girl, let alone had sex.Though he is only a child himself, the result is that he has been put on the Sex Offender Register, blighting his life for the foreseeable future.Even with intensive therapy, Jamie still suffers from deep shame — ‘as if it is written across my forehead’ — which has led him to fear he will never be able to form a healthy relationship with a woman.As he told me at a recent session: ‘It still makes me think I might never have a proper girlfriend — because the pictures still come back to me sometimes. It make makes me want to shout, “Stop, stop.” But sometimes they still won’t go away.’Jamie’s story is not unique. He is just one of the growing number of young patients referred by social services, youth offender services and police to the Portman Clinic — where I work as a psychotherapist. I would never normally consider speaking out in this way. But after much thought, I have come to the conclusion this is no longer just a private problem. It is a public health problem.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

PPSMI: A new perspective.

Talking about old school... A memory when i was young...

   Let’s not discuss whether PPSMI promotes English in students. Or whether it makes Math and Science easier or difficult. No. But, let’s take a look from a new point of view. The real problem behind the implication of PPSMI. The problem ist not about its concept, but it is about its implementation in Malaysian education.

   Why the local politicians discussed something which was somewhat out of their expertise, without the consultation from the real experts of Academia and suddenly made the decision for the Academic Society? I mean come on, no one can ever prove that the Minister of Education of Malaysia of the time is a teacher or is still in the Academic working society. He is neither teacher, lecturer nor student. Neither are the other politicians who made this decision.
What they've should have done was to at least have consultation with the society that they want to implement this upon. They've should've formed a board, consisting of teachers from primary schools, secondary schools, SBP's, SBT's, MRSM's and any other party that plays a contributing role in educating the children of Malaysia.
   The mistake was when the politicians only fuelled the government's ego and made the decision that was going to affect the future of the 

next generation of 

Malaysian. I speak for the students of Malaysia. "What are we? Are we that expendable until you could simply wage our future? Just because we're minors and underage, never did meant that we could never think for ourselves and can't give our own critical opinions."
   I mean really?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How could I... ?

How could I forget her? I still remember when we were on that bus to Besut. The trip was filled with odd yet wonderful memories. But there was this one sight that I could never ever forget for the rest of my life. We were on the bus. We talked about everything - and I didn't even care about the people around us. Just hearing her voice speak and seeing her smile made me asked her more questions just to avoid her from stopping. It was just before Maghrib, the bus was heading south and the sun was setting. She was sitting in the seat on the left lane while I sat opposite to her. As the sun began fall along the right side of the bus, she admired the beautiful sunset. The golden rays of the sun were just incredible. I don't know if she realized it or not, but I watch her smile as she gazed upon this magnificent scene. As the golden rays of the sun fell upon her rosy cheeks, the mere sight made me think twice to even look away. Her glittering eyes and sweet dimpled smile made me wish for the moment to stay the way it is, forever.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Losing, or is it?

A memory from high school...

Losing isn't actually is losing.

So verily, with the hardship, there is relief...

In His holy verses of the Quran, Allah reminds every single one of us that behind every cloud there is, and be sure that there IS, a silver lining.

For example,

me. losing most of my things. really taught me a lesson. That not everything that we think that was bad, heavy, hard and sad is actually what it is. And I'm not saying that "everything would be better in the end". What I'm saying to you is that it is actually a blessing in disguise. I lost my things. That showed me how my parents truly loves me.

Another example is that when you think that you're losing a friend. I have a few friends that are actually good at heart. However, guilt is killing them from the inside. They think that they are the ones who made mistakes and they are the cause of a dying friendship. But, in truth they are not. Their growing guilt makes them feel that they have to part, but in fact there's no need.

For only through hardship, you and your relationships will be tested. This is a test from Allah. A mere test from your Lord. First, you have to realize that it is a TEST. A test that you are not bound to fail. With patience, faith and god-consciousness, you can never fail. Even though that it seems that you are failing, it is actually another test itself.

You will fail when you decide you are. You have lost everything when you say you have. You will lose a friend when you act like it is. It's up to you.

I chose my path and made my decision. I haven't lost anything.

My things - I will replace them with something more high-tech anyway.

My health - it's recovering

My friend - someone that can never be replaced and I'm not planning on losing that someone anytime soon.

Just know that in the end, everything's gonna be alright. If it's not alright, then it's not the end. Trust me on this one.
